10 Self-Care Tips for the Home Care Nurse

  • Home care nurses are constantly on the move, in different situations throughout the day, so caring for their mental wellbeing is vital. 
  • Consider planning your meals the night before, or prepping even further in advance, to make your mornings a bit smoother. 
  • Don’t be afraid to ask coworkers for help. 

Kathleen McDermott

MSN, RN, and Certified Women’s Health Coach

January 28, 2025
Simmons University

It’s another busy day for you in the field, seeing five to six patients in their homes. 

You’re teaching your patients about new medications, performing wound care, educating them about new diseases or conditions, making sure they are safe, and following up with them on their recent doctor appointments.

You’re doing an amazing job, but often recognize that you’re not doing such a great job taking care of yourself — the nurse who needs to stay well for everyone else.

Below I’ve listed 10 fatigue fighters that will leave you refreshed and revitalized during your work day! 

Home care nurse

Wearing Many Home Care Nurse Hats

Aside from your role as a home care nurse, you may have a family of your own, and possibly aging parents that rely on you. Don’t forget to communicate with your loved ones when you feel your stress levels rising. No one understands how you truly feel but you.

If they’ve grown accustomed to you appearing to always “have it together” and being there to help them, it’ll take them time to adjust to the “new” you. Remember —taking care of others means taking care of yourself first. 

Home care nurse

10 Ways to Take Care of You 

  1. BREAKFAST: Start your day with a well-balanced breakfast consisting of protein, carbohydrates, and healthy fats. Include fruits and vegetables if possible. Try to prepare small egg bites in a muffin tray to heat, grab, and go if you are short on time. You can also make a smoothie with Greek yogurt (high in protein), almond milk, spinach, banana, berries, protein powder, and some almond butter to take with you. 
  2. LUNCH: If you’re a home care nurse working in the field, you are accustomed to eating lunch in between patients. Make a sandwich with vegetables and protein on whole grain bread with some fruit and a bottle of water to help keep you nourished during the day. You can also prepare a hearty salad while making dinner the evening before and just add dressing on the side. Packing food in a cooler will keep your ingredients from spoiling. 
  3. SNACKS: Keep nuts, fruit, dark chocolate, yogurt, and cut-up vegetables on hand to keep you going. 
  4. EXERCISE: Start or end your day with even a 15-minute walk to get your blood pumping and your feel-good endorphins flowing. Although your day is a busy one, much of your time is spent driving or sitting at a patient’s home. Take time to get outside and get your heart rate up. 
  5. ENJOY MUSIC OR PODCASTS: On your way to patients’ homes, entertain yourself with music or podcasts. Sing out loud to your favorite upbeat songs! It’s your chance to be selfish and listen to what you find enjoyable. 
  6. HYDRATE: Drinking half your weight in water is important if you’re someone who doesn’t drink a lot of water for fear of not being near a bathroom. Being dehydrated will leave you feeling sluggish and fatigued. 
  7. LIGHTEN YOUR LOAD: Before you start your day, give away some of the household chores to family members who seem to have more free time than you. Perhaps your 10-year-old son would love to earn some extra money by emptying the dishwasher, feeding the dog, or taking out the garbage. Pay attention to what you can take off your plate. During your work day, see if someone in the office can call a doctor with a quick question or send a message to a patient’s family member if you don’t have time to make additional phone calls. More often than not, they will be more than happy to help. 
  8. STRETCH: Take a few minutes during your workday to get some stretching in. Find a safe, cool spot, put on some enjoyable music and do a series of stretches to help your back and neck feel less tight. You spend a lot of time in the car and bending over caring for patients’ devices or wounds. Your body will thank you for this small gift! 
  9. FIND YOUR COMMUNITY: Take the time to chat during the day with a co-worker who understands and supports you in some way. Maybe they bring a bit of humor to the day or say something uplifting to get you through a difficult visit. It’s important to connect with others in a job that keeps you feeling isolated many days. 
  10. BREATHING EXERCISES: Check in regularly with yourself. Some patient visits and family members can be overly demanding. Meditation or breathing exercises can help you promote an overall sense of calm.

Home care nurse

The Bottom Line

As a home care nurse, it can be easy to forget to check in with yourself. Be proud of the work that you are doing but also take the time to meet your needs and prevent burnout.

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