CCRN Exam Test-Taking Strategies
Start the testing drill the night before by assuring a good night’s sleep. Fuel up in the morning with a well-balanced breakfast and allow ample travel time to the test site. Today is not the day to increase anxiety by running late.
As the computer loads your exam, remember test taking strategies are an important part of the process. Step one is to read the question and deduce what it is asking.
Key Words
One effective technique is to spot key words or phrases such as “first”, “always”, “best”, and “initial”. These words will help you focus your attention on what the author of the question is looking for.
For example, if a question asks what your first response to a trauma patient is, it is telegraphing that all the answers are correct, and you will have to determine what is the “first” thing to do.
Frequently, these questions utilizing “first” or “initial” will offer an option including airway, breathing, or circulation. It is a fair bet; this will be your answer.
Process of Elimination
Another question answering technique is the process of elimination. Sometimes one option is obviously unrelated. Eliminate incorrect choices and select from what you have left. Remember medicine seldom has “always” or “never” options. Shun answers that include these descriptors.
Grouping also works well as a testing strategy. When three of the four answers are related or comparable, the answer is likely to be the one that is unrelated or different.
Scenario Questions
The most challenging type questions on the CCRN exam are scenario questions. By the time you read the whole scenario, you have forgotten what the question was asking.
The approach to these type questions is to read the question first, then the scenario, and wrap up by rereading the question. Now reread the scenario again excluding as much of the superfluous information as possible.
The goal is to be left with a simple question that can be solved by a trimmed down scenario.