Blunt Force Chest Trauma
Course Highlights
- In this Blunt Force Chest Trauma course, we will learn about the various mechanisms and types of blunt chest trauma.
- You’ll also learn the appropriate interventions for airway management, oxygen support, and fluid resuscitation in the context of blunt chest trauma.
- You’ll leave this course with a broader understanding of the pathophysiology and medical implications of blunt chest trauma.
Contact Hours Awarded: 1
Course By:
R.E. Hengsterman MSN, RN
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Physical traumas are complex injuries that pose sudden, life-threatening risks and rank as the third leading cause of death after cardiovascular diseases and cancer affecting individuals in the first four decades of life [1][9]. Penetrating injuries, such as those from stabbings and gunshots, disrupt tissue integrity, whereas blunt injuries can damage underlying organs and structures without breaking the skin [1]. Blunt chest trauma, resulting from motor vehicle accidents, falls, blunt force injuries, and physical assaults, constitutes the majority of chest traumas [1][2]. Falls, traffic accidents, and occupational incidents contribute to 70% of chest traumas, highlighting their significance [1][2][7]. High-speed vehicle accidents have contributed to the rising incidence of chest trauma, which occurs in 60% of polytrauma cases and carries a mortality rate of 20%–25% [1][6].
Blunt chest trauma can lead to a variety of conditions requiring immediate attention, ranging from rib fractures and flail chest to pneumothorax, hemothorax, pulmonary contusion, and tracheobronchial injuries [1][3]. Symptoms can vary from mild dyspnea to severe respiratory arrest. Effective treatment necessitates a thorough understanding of the condition and a multidisciplinary approach, as only about 10% of thoracic trauma patients require surgical intervention [1][4]. Manage the remaining 90% with methods such as ensuring airway management, providing oxygen support, performing maneuvers, administering volume support, and using tube thoracostomy [1]. Adequate pain control is sometimes the most fundamental and effective treatment [1] [5].
Blunt thoracic trauma involves various organs, tissues, and systems, requiring a multidisciplinary treatment approach. Blunt chest trauma accounts for 15% of trauma cases worldwide, with challenging mortality rate assessments due to diverse complications [8]. Thoracic trauma makes up 20-25% of all traumas across the globe and ranks as the third leading cause of death after abdominal injury and head trauma in polytrauma patients [8].
During the initial assessment of chest trauma patients, the goal is to identify and treat six life-threatening conditions: airway obstruction, tension pneumothorax, open pneumothorax, massive hemothorax, flail chest, and pericardial tamponade [1][3]. Five of these conditions involve pulmonary and chest wall injuries, emphasizing their critical nature. Other life-threatening injuries, including pulmonary contusion, tracheobronchial injuries, diaphragmatic injuries, myocardial injuries, thoracic aortic disruption, and esophageal injury, also require immediate attention [1][9]. Pediatric patients, due to their more elastic bones, may avoid chest wall injuries but still face serious complications [1][10]. Elderly patients are more prone to fractures even from minor traumas [11].
A range of factors influence morbidity and mortality in blunt chest trauma, including the presence and number of fractures, mechanical ventilation requirements, pre-existing chronic lung diseases, co-existing head injuries, hypotension, and additional organ injuries. A low Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) score in chest trauma patients predicts mortality. Head injuries and a GCS score of 8 or lower increase mortality in blunt chest trauma patients [12].

Self Quiz
Ask yourself...
- How do the mechanisms of blunt and penetrating chest trauma differ in terms of their impact on underlying organs and tissue integrity, and what are the most common sources of each type of injury?
- Considering the numerous factors influencing morbidity and mortality in blunt chest trauma, such as the presence of fractures and pre-existing conditions, what are the key components of an effective multidisciplinary approach to managing these injuries?
Case Study: Blunt Force Chest Trauma
A 34-year-old male arrives to the emergency department following a high-speed motor vehicle collision (MVC). The patient was the driver, unrestrained by a seatbelt, and struck the steering wheel upon impact. Emergency medical services (EMS) report the patient was conscious but became short of breath in route to the hospital.
Initial Assessment
Upon arrival, the patient appears agitated, diaphoretic, and struggles with severe respiratory distress. His vital signs are blood pressure 87/54 mmHg, heart rate 129 bpm, respiratory rate 31 breaths per minute, and oxygen saturation 83% on room air. He is unable to lie flat due to discomfort.
The primary survey reveals:
- Airway: Patent, but the patient is in distress.
- Breathing: Trachea midline, asymmetric chest wall movement, decreased breath sounds on the left side, tenderness, and subcutaneous emphysema noted.
- Circulation: Hypotensive with weak peripheral pulses, no external bleeding noted.
Differential Diagnosis
Based on the patient’s presentation and mechanism of injury, the differential diagnosis includes:
- Pneumothorax
- Hemothorax
- Pulmonary Contusion
- Rib Fractures
- Flail Chest
- Cardiac Tamponade
- Aortic Injury
- Diaphragmatic Rupture
- Tracheobronchial Injury
- Esophageal Rupture
Diagnostic Evaluation
A portable chest x-ray shows a left-sided pneumothorax and multiple rib fractures. A Focused Assessment with Sonography for Trauma (FAST) exam reveals free fluid in the left pleural space, indicative of hemothorax.
Given the clinical findings, immediate interventions include:
- Insert a 14-gauge needle into the second intercostal space at the midclavicular line to decompress the suspected tension pneumothorax.
- After needle decompression, place a 28-Fr chest tube in the fifth intercostal space at the anterior axillary line to manage the pneumothorax and hemothorax.
The following interventions stabilize the patient:
- Airway Management: Perform endotracheal intubation due to worsening respiratory distress and hypoxemia.
- Breathing Support: Mechanical ventilation initiated with settings adjusted to minimize barotrauma.
- Circulation Support: Establish two large-bore IV lines and start fluid resuscitation with crystalloids to address hypotension. Prepare blood products for transfusion.
Further Diagnostic Workup
A chest CT scan evaluates the extent of injuries, revealing:
- Multiple left-sided rib fractures (ribs 3-7)
- Pulmonary contusion
- No evidence of great vessel injury or tracheobronchial disruption
Pain Management
Adequate pain control is critical for this patient to facilitate breathing and prevent complications:
- A multimodal approach with scheduled acetaminophen and NSAIDs
- Opioids via patient-controlled analgesia (PCA) for breakthrough pain
- Regional anesthesia with a paravertebral block for refractory pain
The medical team admits the patient to the intensive care unit (ICU) for close monitoring. Given the extent of rib fractures and pulmonary contusion, he is at substantial risk for:
- Respiratory failure
- Pneumonia
- Delayed hemothorax
Over the next 48 hours, the patient’s condition stabilizes. Repeat imaging shows no further expansion of the pneumothorax or hemothorax, and the pulmonary contusion begins to resolve. The paravertebral block manages pain, improves ventilation, and reduces the need for mechanical ventilation.
Discharge Planning
As the patient improves, wean him off mechanical ventilation and transition him to oral pain medications. Educate him on incentive spirometry to enhance lung expansion and prevent atelectasis. Schedule a follow-up appointment to monitor recovery and address long-term complications.

Self Quiz
Ask yourself...
- Given the patient’s initial presentation and vital signs, what are the critical components of the primary survey in trauma assessment, and how do they help in identifying life-threatening conditions in blunt chest trauma?
- How does the presence of multiple rib fractures and a pulmonary contusion impact the management plan for a patient with blunt chest trauma, and why is a multimodal approach to pain management essential in such cases?
- In the context of this case study, what are the potential complications associated with blunt chest trauma, and what strategies can mitigate these risks and ensure optimal patient recovery?
Blunt impact injuries occur when a non-penetrating object strikes the body, causing contusions, abrasions, lacerations, and fractures. Classify these injuries into four categories: contusion, abrasion, laceration, and fracture [13]. Categorize thoracic trauma by its mechanism as either blunt or penetrating.
Blunt chest trauma is more prevalent than penetrating trauma, accounting for 20 to 25% of trauma-related fatalities [14]. High-speed motor vehicle collisions and lack of seat belt use link to increased morbidity and mortality in patients [15]. Individuals of older age and higher injury severity scores (ISS) experience worse outcomes [16].

Self Quiz
Ask yourself...
- How do the different mechanisms of blunt impact injuries, such as contusions, abrasions, lacerations, and fractures, each affect the body, and why is it important to classify thoracic trauma into blunt or penetrating categories?
- How do factors such as high-speed motor vehicle collisions, lack of seat belt use, older age, and higher injury severity scores contribute to the increased morbidity and mortality observed in blunt chest trauma cases?
The primary elements of the chest wall include the rib cage, costal cartilage, and intercostal muscles [17]. The neurovascular bundles, consisting of an intercostal artery, vein, and nerve, provide the blood supply and innervation to the chest wall, running along the inferior edge of each rib [18]. Beneath the rib cage lies the parietal pleura, forming the inner lining of the chest wall and receiving somatic innervation from the intercostal nerves, which contain pain fibers [17][18]. The parietal pleura produces this fluid, and pleural lymphatics reabsorb it. When reabsorption exceeds its capacity, pleural effusion occurs [19] [20].
The chest wall has two primary functions: facilitating respiration and protecting internal thoracic structures. During inspiration, the diaphragm, and intercostal muscles contract, increasing intrathoracic volume and decreasing intrathoracic pressure, which allows passive air to flow into the lungs [21]. During expiration, these muscles relax, increasing intrathoracic pressure and expelling air from the lungs.
The chest wall provides protection against external injury, with the sternum and clavicles offering structural support to the anterior thorax due to their density and role as attachment points for the pectoralis major and minor muscles, while the scapulas protect the superior aspect of the posterior chest wall [21]. The mediastinum, situated between the right and left halves of the thoracic cavity, houses the heart, thoracic aorta, trachea, and esophagus.
The sternum borders it in the front, the vertebral column borders it in the back, and the parietal pleura and lungs border it on the sides. The mediastinum spans from the thoracic inlet at the top to the diaphragm at the bottom. The most common isolated mediastinal injury in blunt trauma is aortic injury, which can vary from an intimal laceration to complete aortic transection [22].
Thoracic trauma can lead to morbidity and mortality through the disruption of respiration, circulation, or both [23]. Respiratory compromise may result from direct injury to the airway or lungs, such as pulmonary contusions, or from mechanical interference with breathing, including rib fractures [23]. This causes ventilation-perfusion mismatch and reduced pulmonary compliance, leading to hypoventilation and hypoxia, which may necessitate intubation [14]. Circulatory compromise occurs due to blood loss, decreased venous return, or direct cardiac injury. Intrathoracic bleeding, often presenting as hemothorax in both blunt and penetrating trauma, results in hypotension and hemodynamic shock if massive [14].

Self Quiz
Ask yourself...
- How do the primary elements of the chest wall, such as the rib cage, costal cartilage, and intercostal muscles, contribute to both the facilitation of respiration and the protection of internal thoracic structures?
- In what ways do injuries to the neurovascular bundles and parietal pleura impact the overall function of the chest wall, and how can these injuries lead to conditions such as pleural effusion?
- Considering the mediastinum’s role and its anatomical borders, what are the potential consequences of isolated mediastinal injuries aortic injury, in the context of blunt thoracic trauma?
The initial evaluation of a trauma patient adheres to the Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) protocol, starting with an assessment of the patient’s airway, breathing, and circulation (ABCs) during the primary survey [24]. This initial assessment is vital for identifying life-threatening conditions such as tension pneumothorax, cardiac tamponade, aortic injury, massive hemothorax, and tracheobronchial disruption in cases of blunt or penetrating thoracic trauma [24]. Signs of respiratory distress, agitation, diaphoresis, or unwillingness to lie flat can indicate severe cardiopulmonary injuries like tension pneumothorax or cardiac tamponade [24].
The assessment of the airway aims to establish patency and determine the need for intubation. The breathing evaluation begins at the trachea, inspecting and palpating to ensure it is midline and not deviated [1][24]. Examine the chest wall for asymmetry, listen for breath sounds, and feel for areas of tenderness, crepitus, and any flail segments. When assessing circulation, hypotension in the context of thoracic trauma should raise suspicion for tension pneumothorax or tamponade, requiring urgent intervention before further evaluation [1][24].

Self Quiz
Ask yourself...
- How does the Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) protocol guide the initial evaluation of a trauma patient’s airway, breathing, and circulation, and why is this systematic approach crucial for identifying life-threatening conditions in thoracic trauma?
- What specific signs and symptoms should healthcare providers look for during the primary survey to identify severe cardiopulmonary injuries such as tension pneumothorax or cardiac tamponade?
- In the context of thoracic trauma, how do findings such as tracheal deviation, chest wall asymmetry, and hypotension influence the immediate management and intervention strategies for the patient?
Evaluation and Imaging
The Focused Assessment with Sonography in Trauma (FAST) exam is essential during the initial trauma assessment, performed during the circulation portion of the primary survey [25]. This allows for the rapid detection of pathological pericardial, intraperitoneal, or intrathoracic free fluid. Identify hemothorax using flank views to image the lower portions of the pleural spaces [25].
The extended FAST (E-FAST) exam includes additional chest views to evaluate for pneumothorax [26]. The exam starts at the midclavicular line, focusing on the third or fourth intercostal space, to observe lung sliding [26]. This involves checking for the movement between the parietal and visceral pleura as they glide past each other. Lack of lung sliding indicates pneumothorax. The lung point sign, showing both lung sliding and its absence in the same sonographic window, confirms pneumothorax with 100% specificity [27].
Chest Radiography
Physical examination and chest radiography (x-ray) are critical for evaluating most thoracic injuries. According to the NEXUS chest decision rules, patients younger than 60 without chest pain or tenderness, distracting injuries, intoxication, or mechanisms involving rapid deceleration do not need a routine chest x-ray [14].
Computed Tomography Scan
Compared to chest x-ray, chest CT offers greater sensitivity for detecting pneumothorax or hemothorax and allows evaluation of the rib cage, mediastinum, lung parenchyma, and aorta [9][14]. In blunt trauma, the decision to obtain a chest CT should be based on physical findings, injury mechanism, and clinical judgment. High-energy deceleration MVCs over 30 mph with frontal or lateral impact, MVCs with ejection, falls over 25 feet, and direct chest impact warrant CT imaging [14].

Self Quiz
Ask yourself...
- How does the Focused Assessment with Sonography in Trauma (FAST) and its extended version (E-FAST) enhance the initial evaluation of trauma patients in detecting conditions like pneumothorax and hemothorax, and what are the key sonographic signs to look for?
- What are the criteria for deciding when to use chest x-ray versus chest CT in the evaluation of thoracic injuries in trauma patients, and how do these imaging modalities differ in their diagnostic capabilities?
Medical Management
Thoracic traumas can result in pneumothorax and hemothorax, with tube thoracostomy managing 80% of these cases [1][14]. The choice of chest tube size is determined by the specific pathology seen on a chest x-ray. Use a 28-Fr or 32-Fr chest tube for pneumothorax and hemothorax to evacuate air and blood and reduce the risk of clots blocking the tube [28]. In the absence of effusion, small-bore catheters are suitable, though many trauma clinicians still prefer formal chest tubes [28].
Occult pneumothorax, detected on CT but not on chest x-ray, occurs in 2% to 10% of trauma patients undergoing chest CT [29]. Observation is appropriate for pneumothoraces smaller than 8 mm. However, because occult pneumothoraces have a 5% to 10% risk of expansion, close monitoring is essential. Expanding pneumothoraces or symptomatic patients should undergo tube thoracostomy [14][30].
On examination, tenderness, crepitus, or diminished breath sounds may indicate an underlying pneumothorax [14][31]. Outpatient management with oral analgesics is suitable for patients with fewer than three rib fractures and no associated injuries [32]. Admit patients over 65 or those who fail to maintain oxygen saturation of 92% or an incentive spirometer volume of 15 mL/kg for respiratory monitoring [14].
Those with three or more rib fractures or displaced fractures are at higher risk for complications like contusions, pneumonia, and delayed hemothorax and require admission [33]. Initial management includes adequate analgesia, thoracostomy drainage if needed, and respiratory care with incentive spirometry.
Effective pain control is crucial, utilizing a multimodal approach starting with acetaminophen and NSAIDs, and escalating to opioids or patient-controlled analgesia (PCA) if necessary [34]. Use regional anesthesia techniques, such as epidural catheters, paravertebral blocks, and intercostal nerve blocks, for patients with severe pain or multiple rib fractures [35].
Reserve surgical rib fixation for patients with severe fractures or impending respiratory failure, performing it within 48 to 72 hours of injury [36]. Flail chest, defined by fractures in three or more contiguous ribs in at least two locations, causes paradoxical chest movement during respiration [37]. Respiratory failure in these patients often results from underlying pulmonary contusions, which worsen within the first 12 to 24 hours post-injury requiring intubation [38]. Initial chest x-rays often underestimate lung damage, necessitating admission and close monitoring for decompensation signs.
Consider tension pneumothorax in chest trauma patients with respiratory distress and hypotension, along with signs like tracheal deviation, decreased breath sounds, and subcutaneous emphysema [39]. Perform immediate decompression with a 14-gauge needle in the second intercostal space at the midclavicular line if recognized in the field. Recent data suggest using the fifth intercostal space in the anterior axillary line may be more effective [40].
After field decompression, perform tube thoracostomy in the emergency department for definitive management. Massive hemothorax, defined as more than 1500 mL of blood in the pleural space, is often secondary to rib fractures with lacerated intercostal arteries in blunt trauma or great vessel or pulmonary hilar vessel injuries in penetrating trauma [41]. Chest tube insertion can stabilize and re-expand the lung, with operative intervention indicated for ongoing massive hemothorax [28]. Cardiac tamponade, often following blunt myocardial rupture, can occur with less than 100 mL of blood in the pericardial space [42]. Maintain high suspicion in trauma settings due to variable presentations. Blunt thoracic aortic injury (BTAI) occurs in 1.5% to 2% of high-energy blunt trauma patients, from rapid deceleration MVCs.
Most patients with BAI die in the field, with survivors having contained ruptures or dissections [43]. Initial chest x-rays may suggest BTAI with signs like a widened mediastinum or pleural blood above the left lung apex [44]. Initial management focuses on strict blood pressure and heart rate control, with surgical repair via open surgery or endovascular techniques being the mainstay of treatment. Endovascular repair has become increasingly popular, with high success rates.

Self Quiz
Ask yourself...
- What are the key considerations for choosing the appropriate size and type of chest tube in managing pneumothorax and hemothorax, and how do these choices impact patient outcomes?
- How does the management approach differ for patients with fewer than three rib fractures compared to those with three or more rib fractures, and what are the risks and necessary interventions for each group?
- What are the indications for surgical intervention in cases of severe rib fractures or flail chest, and why is surgical rib fixation important for preventing respiratory failure in these patients?
- How does a multidisciplinary approach contribute to the effective management of blunt force chest trauma, and why is it important to promptly identify and address life-threatening conditions in such cases?
- In what ways can thorough diagnostic evaluations and attentive monitoring reduce morbidity and mortality in patients with blunt chest trauma, and what are the key non-surgical interventions that play a crucial role in patient outcomes?
Blunt force chest trauma remains a critical medical issue resulting from motor vehicle accidents, falls, and other high-impact incidents [1]. It constitutes a sizable portion of thoracic injuries, which can lead to conditions such as rib fractures, pneumothorax, hemothorax, pulmonary contusions, and tracheobronchial injuries [1][3].
Effective management requires prompt identification of life-threatening conditions and a multidisciplinary approach, integrating airway management, oxygen support, and pain control. Despite the complexity and potential severity of these injuries, management can be non-surgical with proper medical interventions. Comprehensive care, including thorough diagnostic evaluations and attentive monitoring, is crucial in reducing morbidity and mortality associated with blunt chest trauma.
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