Nurse Burnout Symptoms
Nursing burnout symptoms can present a number of ways. The most common symptoms include the following:Â
Emotional exhaustion can lead to a nurse losing interest in doing anything. It can also cause significant changes in sleep patterns. A nurse might sleep too long since he/she dreads getting out of bed and facing another day, or he/she may have problems getting enough sleep since the chaos of the day keeps replaying in his/her mind. Lack of sleep can compound the symptoms of burnout and lead to irritability, compassion fatigue, forgetfulness, and the inability to focus.  Â
Some nurses might revert to depersonalization as a coping mechanism for emotional exhaustion. Symptoms of depersonalization can be noted in a nurse acting emotionally withdrawn, avoidance of social activities or conversations, and working as a zombie (just rushing through tasks and going through the motions).  Â
The feelings of lack of personal accomplishments can decrease a nurse’s job satisfaction and can lead to feelings of inadequacy. When a nurse reaches this level, he/she may begin to think twice about quitting their jobs.