5 Most Popular Registered Nurse Continuing Education Units

  • Nursing CE Central has a deep library of courses to meet the requirements for your registered nurse continuing education units.
  • The content spans the gamut, from patient interactions to procedures and in-depth information on illnesses and conditions.
  • Below are five courses practitioners have been most interested in throughout 2024.

NCC News & Content Team

November 01, 2024
Simmons University

Nursing CE Central has a deep library of courses to meet the requirements for your registered nurse continuing education units.

The content spans the gamut, from patient interactions to procedures and in-depth information on illnesses and conditions.

Below are five courses practitioners have been most interested in throughout 2024. 

registered nurse continuing education units

1. A Nurses Guide: How to Deal with Difficult Patients

Caring for people at their worst means we often come face-to-face with patients who are experiencing angry outbursts. We can improve patient outcomes and our work-life satisfaction by understanding anger, gaining awareness of what goes on in others’ brains when they are upset, and adopting techniques to handle tough situations. 

As one of several registered nurse continuing education units offered at Nursing CE Central, this CE will allow you to: 

  • Gain a greater understanding of anger in yourself and others.  
  • Describe what happens in the brain when a person becomes angry.  
  • Identify and practice the skills needed to care for patients when they become angry. 

2. A-Fib and Stroke Risk

Stroke is the fifth leading cause of death and disability in the United States, yet clinicians still struggle to find the exact cause. A stroke diagnosis often isn’t confirmed until after the event, when a risk factor analysis is conducted and diagnostic images are taken.

Meanwhile, atrial fibrillation, a possible cause of stroke, is increasing in frequency due to longevity and other risk factors. A-Fib should be investigated thoroughly to prevent future events and assist patients and families in self-management and stroke prevention.

The introduction of several new oral anticoagulants demands that bedside nurses know which are appropriate for stroke risk reduction in atrial fibrillation.

Taking this course will help you: 

  • Recognize the risk of stroke in those with atrial fibrillation.  
  • Assess risk factors for stroke using published CHAD2 screening tools.  
  • Understand the risk assessment process for stroke in A-Fib, as well as oral anticoagulant options for atrial fibrillation.  

3. Chest Tubes Nursing Care

Chest tube nursing care and placement is common in many hospitals, yet nurses consistently rank them as one of the most overwhelming drains to care for.

A malfunctioning chest tube can be deadly in a matter of seconds. Many hospitals recognize them as a common source of error and patient harm. That’s why nurses must understand how chest tubes function and how to care for them.

This course gives you an understanding of the anatomy, indications, and care of chest tubes, along with the ability to: 

  • Identify the relevant anatomy and indications for chest tube placement. 
  • Understand the basics of the procedure and different types of chest tubes. 
  • Explain chest tube nursing care, including basic troubleshooting. 

registered nurse continuing education units

4. Alzheimer’s Nursing Care

 Alzheimer’s disease is a destructive, progressive, and irreversible brain disorder that slowly destroys memory and thinking. It’s also the most common cause of dementia in older adults, according to the National Institute on Aging.

Most people who have Alzheimer’s disease begin to show symptoms in their mid 60s.

Studies also suggest more than 5.5 million Americans, most 65 or older, might have dementia caused by Alzheimer’s.

As the sixth leading cause of death in the United States, nurses should understand the signs and symptoms of Alzheimer’s dementia and how to manage the care of a patient, family member, or friend diagnosed with the disease.

This course gives you the tools to: 

  • Understand the difference between Alzheimer’s and dementia.  
  • List and define the signs and symptoms of the disease. 
  • Understand the stages of the disease and behaviors associated with each stage.  
  • Understand the treatments of the disease.  
  • Understand caregiving strategies related to Alzheimer’s disease and how to manage behavioral changes in patients with Alzheimer’s. 

5. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: ADHD in Children

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) can lead to negative outcomes for children, their families, and communities if left untreated.

Untreated ADHD in children has the potential to cause long-term academic underachievement, according to the Cleveland Clinic. It is vital for nurses and healthcare providers to recognize the signs and symptoms of ADHD in children in order to help the country’s youth reach their full potential.

This course will help you: 

  • Describe the epidemiology of ADHD in children, including the prevalence of ADHD in children, the median age of diagnosis and negative sequelae of undiagnosed ADHD.   
  • Recognize the most common signs and symptoms of ADHD in children.  
  • Describe the diagnostic process and most common treatments for ADHD in children.  

registered nurse continuing education units

The Bottom Line

For more information, or to enroll in our registered nurse continuing education units, visit the Courses section of the NCC website. 

Editor’s Note: The courses for Nursing CE Central’s registered nurse continuing education units were determined based on internal course completion data from Jan. 1-Oct. 23, 2024, excluding state bundles and state-specific courses. 

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